Fall Worship

Dear Church Family,


I hope that you all are doing well. I have not written to you all in a little while, so I want to update you on a few things happening at Good Shepherd. I have also created a survey about worship as we move into fall and winter. Your responses will help us immensely as we continue our planning. Please click here to complete the survey.


As I shared this past Sunday, our worship services will return inside, starting this Sunday at 10 am. I have had a blast with our outdoor services, but unfortunately, the weather has quickly cooled off. Please know we have already undertaken recommended guidelines for COVID safety at Good Shepherd for those concerned about safety. We will still have the same policies of requiring social distancing and mask-wearing while in our building. Following these guidelines will have particular importance as we do our best to protect one another from COVID-19 and keep each other healthy throughout the cold and flu season. Our health safety policies at Good Shepherd throughout the pandemic have always started with our command to love God, love our neighbor, and protect the vulnerable. Following these steps will help move us forward as we navigate our current everyday living with this pandemic. One last thing about in-person attendance is that, unfortunately, we can still not offer a nursery during worship. If you have any concerns about our health safety policies, please feel free to call me at the church office or send me an email (pastortom@gsumc-roscommon.com).


We realize that not everyone will feel comfortable meeting indoors, even with the precautions we have taken. So on-going, we will still have our online service. We have all of our past services on our church’s Facebook page if you missed or would like to re-watch one. We always want to keep everyone connected the best we can.


Finally, we know that not everyone communicates electronically. Some people need a phone call or a letter from the church with updates. While we have a list at the office, please let the office know to reach out to them if you know of such persons. We want to make sure that we overlook no one.


Again, I hope that you all are doing well. May I leave you with these words from the Book of Numbers:


The Lord bless you and keep you.
The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you.
The Lord lift up his face to you and grant you peace.


Grace and Peace,

Pastor Tom